Duo-Chek对夹止回阀 Duo-Chek高性能无撞击止回阀是源自上世纪五十年代末期在市场上推出的Mission对夹式止回阀。可按您的要求提供阀门口径、压力等级和结构型式,以满足应用中苛刻的要求。我们的产品范围包括,但并不限于此: •阀门口径:2” 至 88”。 •ASME压力等级Class 125至Class 2500。 •API6A和6D压力等级。 •亦可供DIN、JIS、BS、AS和ISO标准。 •对夹、支耳、法兰连接方式以及加长阀体型式。 •可提供有固定器和无固定器两种阀体结构。 •阀体材料:铸铁、碳钢、不锈钢、双相不锈钢、超级双相不锈钢 •弹性阀座材料:乙丙橡胶、丁腈橡胶、氯丁橡胶、硅橡胶和Viton-B®氟橡胶。 •亦可供整体式和堆焊式金属阀座。 •连接型式:突面、平面、环连面、焊接、卡箍。
Duo-Chek® valves have long been the standard for low-pressure drop flow reversal protection. These valves are made from cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel, and a broad variety of exotic materials. Duo-Chek offers retainerless designs to API 594 end-to-end dimensions in steel bodied wafer and lug style with a wide variety of trim materials including both metal and resilient seats. Valves come in sizes up to 88" and pressure ratings up to class 4500.