Designed for high temperature heatings.
Structure composed of in sheet-steel,frontal furnace in diecasted steel to avoid the aggretion
of the acid smokes.The thermic insulation in ceramic fibre avoids the smallest heating leakage saving
energy accordingly.Electronic regulation of the temperature is obtained through a digital thermostat.
This furnace is also used for the determination of residual mineral matter deriving the incineration
of bituminous mixtures to(EN 12697-1 clause C Standard).
Chamber stability:±1°C
Chamber uniformity:±10°C
The chamber is muffle made and it is not suitable to test aggessive
chemical samples.
Inside dimensions:200x300x133 mm
Useful Volume:8.2 litres
Outside dimensions:440x620x510 mm
Power supply:230V 1ph 50-60Hz 1.8kW
Weight:30 kg approx.