CKY-126 钢丝绳张力传感器
量程 Range 1,2,3,5,10(t)

Apply to testing and control the tension of steel cable.量程 Range 1,2,3,5,10(t)
技术参数 Technical Parameter
额定载荷 Rated Load | 1~10(t) |
综合精度 Comprehensive Precision | 0.5% (线性+滞后+重复性) |
灵敏度 Sensitivity | 2.0 mV/V |
蠕变 Creep | ±0.05%F·S/30min |
零点输出 Zero Output | ±1 %F·S |
零点温度影响 Temperature Effect On Zero | ±0.05 %F·S/10℃ |
输出温度影响 Temperature Effect On Output | ±0.05%F·S/10℃ |
工作温度 Operating Temperature Range | -20℃~+65℃ |
输入阻抗 Input Resistance | 380±10 |
输出阻抗 Output Resistance | 350±5 Ω |
绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance | >5000 MΩ |
安 全过载 Safe Load Limit | 150% F·S |
供桥电压 Bridge Voltage | 建议 10VDC |
材质 Material | 合金钢 Alloy Steel |
传感器接线方式 Load Cell Mode of Connection | 输入+:红 Input+:Red 输入-:黑 Input-:Black 输出+:绿 Output+:Green 输出-:白 Output-:White |
外型图 Appearance Picture 尺寸 Size(mm)