SHZ Series High Speed Agitator
l 主要用于制药、食品行业的混合及制粒。
Mainly applied by pharmacy and foodstuff industry to mix or make granules.
l 不锈钢制作,主要由混合机碾刀,制粒飞刀和汽缸。
The machine is made with stainless steel and mainly consists of mixing paddle, granulating blades and cylinder.
l 采用卧式滚筒构造,充分密封驱动轴,清洗时可以直接用水。生产过程中,在同一密闭容器内完成“干混—湿混—造粒”,整个流程遵循GMP生产标准。
This vertical type drum with completely sealed driving shaft make it possible for water washing. During the production procedure, the entire cycle of dry mixing – wet mixing - making granules is finished in the drum, and finally the granules are produced into the automatic port. The design and processing follows GMP standard.