YX系列切屑甩干机主要用于以贵重切屑液(油)为冷却液的机床(如齿轮加工机床、深孔枪钻、枪绞等)所产生的油屑的分离。油屑通过输送装置落入甩干机的转鼓内,粘有切屑液(油)的金属屑在高速离心力的作用下进行甩干,从而达到油屑分离的目的。此设备可用于单台机床,也可用于多台机床的集中分离,分离量500-800kg/h,甩干率≥90%,分理出的切屑液不发生任何化学反变化,可重复运用于机床润滑,经济环保。本设备适用的材质为粒状、片状及长度不大于50mm的卷装切屑。 ZL series chip dryer is mainly used for separating the oil-chips from machine tools (like gear-cutting machine and gun-drill) using expensive coolant (cutting oil) as coolant. Oil-chips drop into the rotary drum of the dryer through conveying device, and metal filings with coolant (cutting oil) are dried by the action of hi-speed centrifugal force, so as to separate oil from the chips. It has a separating load of 500-800kg/h, with drying rate ≥90%. The liquid recycled can be reused, thus economical and environment friendly.