Scientech Astral系列激光能量计

ScientechScientech Astral系列激光能量计

参考价: 面议

2020-11-13 14:03:04





维尔克斯光电提供Scientech Astral系列激光能量计,探头包括光电型、热释电型和热电堆型,能够测量μW~几十W级的功率和能量。


维尔克斯光电提供Scientech Astral系列激光能量计,探头包括光电型、热释电型和热电堆型,能够测量μW~几十W级的功率和能量。美国Scientech从事激光功率和能量测量系统的生产已经有40余年,是**家生产激光功率计的公司,Scientech始终坚持所有产品都在美国生产制造。Scientech Astral系列激光能量计可配AI310AI310D4位数字浮动显示。



Scientech Astral系列光电功率计

表头型号 AI51AI51D

显示4 LCD 显示

量程(W50.00m, 5.000m, 500.0μ, 50.00μ4.000m, 400.0μ, 40.00μ

响应时间 <1s

工作温度 5-40



尺寸(LxD 0.45kg

探头型号 AP50SAP50UVS

光谱范围 400-1100nm200-1100nm

量程         1nW-50mW1nW-4mW

zui大承受功率密度 170mW/cm25mW/cm2

精度         ±5%

重复性     ±5%

重量         0.12

尺寸(DiaxL 6.4x2.8cm2

Scientech AstralTM 系列激光能量计规格

型号:AC2500         AC25HD        ACX25HD         AC2501         ACX2501      AC25UV        AC2504

Type of Absorber Surface Surface Surface Volume Volume          Volume          Volume

Aperture Diameter 25.4 mm          25.4 mm 8 mm 25.4 mm 8 mm 25.4 mm         25.4 mm

Spectral Response .25-35 μm      .193-12 μm          .4-2 μm         .266-1.2 μm       .4-1.2 μm     .193-.36 μm    .85-4.2 μm

Average Power Maximum 10 W

Average Power Minimum 1 mW when installed in an Isoperibol Enclosure

Noise Level 10 μW or μJ

Maximum Power Density 200 W/cm2      1.5 kW/cm2       12 kW/cm2 Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4

Maximum Peak Power Density 1 MW/cm2     100 MW/cm2    800 MW/cm2         Note 5         8.5 GW/cm2       Note 6 Note 7

Maximum Single Pulse Energy 10 J

Maximum Energy Density Note 8 Note 9 Note 10 Note 11 Note 12          Note 13          Note 14


< 1 %


± 3 %

Response Time 3 sec when connected to a Scientech Indicator in Watts Mode

Dimensions DxL - inches 3.75 x 2.2        3.75 x 2.2        3.75 x 3.82        3.75 x 2.2       3.75 x 3.82     3.75 x 2.2       3.75 x 2.2

                                     cm 9.53 x 5.6        9.53 x 5.6         9.53 x 9.7         9.53 x 5.6        9.53 x 9.7      9.53 x 5.6       9.53 x 5.6

Weight - pounds/kg 1.5/0.68 1.5/0.68 1.7/0.77 1.5/0.68 1.7/0.77         1.5/0.68          1.5/0.68

Indicator Compatibility  H410, H410D, S310, S310D, D200PC, D200C

型号:AC5000S         AC50HDS        ACX50HDS         AC5001S         ACX5001S      AC50UVS        AC5004S

Type Absorber Surface Surface Surface Volume Volume          Volume          Volume

Aperture Diameter 50.8 mm          50.8 mm 16 mm 50.8 mm 16 mm          50.8 mm         50.8 mm

Spectral Response .25-35 μm      .193-12 μm          .4-2 μm         .266-1.2 μm       .4-1.2 μm     .193-.36 μm    .85-4.2 μm

Average Power Maximum 30 W

Average Power Minimum 40 mW

Noise Level

400 μW or μJ

Maximum Power Density 200 W/cm2      1.5 kW/cm2       12 kW/cm2 Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4

Maximum Peak Power Density 1 MW/cm2     100 MW/cm2    800 MW/cm2         Note 5         8.5 GW/cm2       Note 6 Note 7

Maximum Single Pulse Energy 30 J

Maximum Energy Density Note 8 Note 9 Note 10 Note 11 Note 12          Note 13          Note 14


< 1 %


± 3 %

Response Time 3 sec when connected to a Scientech Indicator in Watts Mode

Dimensions DxL - inches 4.75 x 2.3        4.75 x 2.3        4.75 x 3.92        4.75 x 2.3       4.75 x 3.92     4.75 x 2.3       4.75 x 2.3

                                     cm 12.07 x 5.8      12.07 x 5.8      12.07 x 9.96      12.07 x 5.8     12.07 x 9.96   12.07 x 5.8     12.07 x 5.8

Weight pounds/kgs 2.9/1.3 2.9/1.3 3.1/1.4 2.9/1.3 3.1/1.4 2.9/1.3 2.9/1.3

Indicator Compatibility H410, H410D, S310, S310D, D200PC, D200C

Scientech AstralTM 系列大口径激光能量计规格

型号:360401          380401 380402          384UV5          360801          380801 380802          384UV5

Type of Absorber Surface          Volume          Volume          Volume          Surface         Volume*         Volume          Volume

Aperture Diameter 100mm 200mm

Minimum Beam Diameter

Spectral Response .25 - 35μm   .266 - 1.2μm      9 -11μm      .193 - .36μm   .25 - 35μm   .266 - 1.2μm      9 -11μm      .193 - .36μm

Maximum Average Power 50W with full illumination of absorbing surface 100W with full illumination of absorbing surface

Minimum Average Power 150mW 700mW

Noise Level 1.5mJ - mW 7mJ - mW

Maximum Power Density 200W/cm2     See Note 1        4W/cm2 Note 2         200W/cm2     See Note 3        4W/cm2 Note 2

Maximum Peak Power Density        1MW/cm2     See Note 4    100MW/cm2    See Note 5      1MW/cm2     See Note 6    100MW/cm2    See Note 5

Maximum Single Pulse Energy

Maximum Energy Density Note 7 Note 8 4J/cm2 Note 9 Note 7 Note 10 4J/cm2 Note 9

Precision < 1%



Response Time 5 sec when connected to a Scientech Indicator in Watts Mode

Dimensions DxL - inches/cm 6.00 x 8.00/15.24 x 20.32 9.00 x 10.00/22.86 x 25.40

Weight - pounds/kgs 6/2.72 16.27/7.26

Indicator Compatibility H410, H410D, S310, S310D

