SI Analytics TW alpha plus自动进样器

SI Analytics TW alpha plus自动进样器

参考价: 面议

2024-02-15 09:02:24





SI Analytics TW alpha plus自动进样器


SI Analytics TW alpha plus自动进样器

TW alpha plus sample changer

SI Analytics的TW alpha plus可以在不中断滴定操作的情况下完成自动进样,而且目前所能同时进样的数量也在不断增加,以满足GLP和ISO 900X的标准规定。











TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha plus basic unit without exchange unit, 230 V,订货号:285216952

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha plus basic unit without exchange unit, 115 V,订货号:285216969

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha 05 plus with 5 ml exchange unit, (230 V),订货号:285212934

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha 10 plus with 10 ml exchange unit, (230 V),订货号:285216944

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha 20 plus with 20 ml exchange unit, (230 V),订货号:285216977

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha 50 plus with 50 ml exchange unit, (230 V),订货号:285212983

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha 05 plus with 5 ml exchange unit, (115 V),订货号:285215467

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha 10 plus with 10 ml exchange unit, (115 V),订货号:285215475

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha 20 plus with 20 ml exchange unit, (115 V),订货号:285215631

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha 50 plus with 50 ml exchange unit, (115 V),订货号:285215648

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha KF 05 plus with 5 ml exchange unit, (230 V),订货号:285212991

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha KF 10 plus with 10 ml exchange unit, (230 V),订货号:285213109

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha KF 05 plus with 5 ml exchange unit, (115 V),订货号:285215656

TitroLine alpha plus,TitroLine alpha KF 10 plus with 10 ml exchange unit, (115 V),订货号:285215664

TITRONIC 110 plus,TITRONIC® 110 plus basic unit without exchange unit, 230V,订货号:1007302

TITRONIC 110 plus,TITRONIC® 110 plus basic unit without exchange unit, 115V,订货号:1007303

TA 01,Exchange unit with 1 ml glass cylinder incl. reagent bottle,订货号:285211313

TA 05 plus,Exchange unit with 5 ml glass cylinder incl. reagent bottle,订货号:285211038

TA 10 plus,Exchange unit with 10 ml glass cylinder incl. reagent bottle,订货号:285211046

TA 20 plus,Exchange unit with 20 ml glass cylinder incl. reagent bottle,订货号:285211054

TA 50 plus,Exchange unit with 50 ml glass cylinder incl. reagent bottle,订货号:285211062

TitriSoft 2.6,Titration software for TitroLine alpha plus and TitroLine alpha,订货号:285221717

TitriSoft 2.6P,Titration software according to CFR 21 Part 11,订货号:285221720

TW alpha plus,Sample changer basic unit, 230 V,订货号:1007290

TW alpha plus,Sample changer basic unit, 115 V,订货号:1007291

TW alpha plus 12

TW alpha plus basic unit with sample rack TZ 1452 for 12 samples, incl. titration head TZ 1463, connection cable and 20 beakers 250 ml, 230 V,订货号:1007292

TW alpha plus 16

TW alpha plus basic unit with sample rack TZ 1459 for 16 samples, incl. titration head TZ 1463, connection cable and 20 beakers 150 ml, 230 V,订货号:1007294

TW alpha plus 24

TW alpha plus basic unit with sample rack TZ 1454 for 24 samples, incl. titration head TZ 1462 and 30 beakers 50 ml, 230 V,订货号:1007296

TW alpha plus COD

TW alpha plus basic unit with sample rack TZ 1444 for 24 COD vessels in accordance with DIN, incl. titration head TZ 1461, rod stirrer TZ 1846, redox electrode Pt 5901,titration tip TZ 1648 and connection cable, 230V,订货号:1007298

TW alpha plus MP

TW alpha plus basic unit with sample rack TZ 1459 for 16 samples, incl. titration head,TZ 1467, membrane pump MP 25, connection cable and 20 beakers 150 ml, 230 V,订货号:1007305

TW alpha plus 12

TW alpha plus basic unit with sample rack TZ 1452 for 12 samples, incl. titration head TZ 1463, connection cable and 20 beakers 250 ml, 115 V,订货号:1007293

TW alpha plus 16

TW alpha plus basic unit with sample rack TZ 1459 for 16 samples, incl. titration head TZ 1463, connection cable and 20 beakers 150 ml, 115 V,订货号:1007295

TW alpha plus 24

TW alpha plus basic unit with sample rack TZ 1454 for 24 samples,incl. titration head TZ 1462 and 30 beakers 50 ml, 115 V,订货号:1007297

TW alpha plus COD

TW alpha plus basic unit with sample rack TZ 1444 for 24 COD vessels in accordance

with DIN, incl. titration head TZ 1461, rod stirrer TZ 1846, redox electrode Pt 5901,,titration tip TZ 1648 and connection cable, 115 V,订货号:1007299

TW alpha plus MP

TW alpha plus basic unit with sample rack TZ 1459 for 16 samples, incl. titration head,TZ 1467, membrane pump MP 25, connection cable and 20 beakers 150 ml, 115 V,订货号:1007306

