

参考价: 面议

2022-03-28 13:29:25







概述   Description


Materials will have to deal with appropriate material body shop, such as star distributor, swing band, mill or machine-made materials, located in the conveyor, the conveyor belt through a heating unit composed of one or several channels, each heating units are equipped with heating and air circulation system, each channel has one or several Moisture system, conveyor belt through, the hot air from the top down or bottom-up through the material on the conveyor belt, so that the material evenly dry.


原理   Principle


The materials are evenly displayed on the mesh-belt by the material feeder. The mesh-belt uses generally 12-60 mesh stainless wire net and it is drawn and moved inside the drier by a transmitting device. The drier is composed of several units. For each unit, the hot air is circulated separately. Some exhausted gas is discharged with a special moisture elimination blower. The waste gas is controlled through an adjusting valve. The hot air passes through the mesh-bilt covered with the material from the top to the bottom or from the bottom to the top and this will complete the transmitting of heat and mass. This process will bring water away from the material. The meshbelt moving slowly, running speed can be easily adjusted according to the material temperature. The final products after the drying will fall into the material collector continuously. The upper and lower circulating units can be freely equipped according to the users requirements. The unit number can also be selected according to the requirements.


应用   Application


De-watering vegetables, particle feed, gourmet powder, fine coconut mash, organic plastics, compound rubber, acral fibre, medicine product, medicine material, small wooden product, plastic product, aging and solidification for the electronic components and devices. 


技术参数   Technical parameters

型号 DW-1.2-8 DW-1.2-10 DW-1.6-8 DW-1.6-10 DW-2-8 DW-2-10 DW-2-10
单元数 4 5 4 5 4 5 10
带宽(m) 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.6 2 2 2
干燥段长(m) 8 10 8 10 8 10 20
铺料厚(mm) ≤60
使用温度(℃) 50~140
蒸汽压力(Mpa)       0.2~0.8      
蒸汽耗量(kg/h) 120~300 150~375 150~375 170~470 180~500 225~600 450~1200
干燥时间(h) 0.2~1.2 0.25~1.5 0.2~1.2 0.25~1.5 0.2~1.2 0.25~1.5 0.5~3
干燥强度(kgH2O/h) 60~160 80~220 75~220 95~250 100~260 120~300 240~600
设备总功率(kg) 11.4 13.6 11.4 13.6 14.7 15.8 36.8
外形尺寸 长(m) 9.56 11.56 9.56 11.56 9.56 11.56 21.56
宽(m) 1.49 1.49 1.9 1.9 2.32 2.32 2.32
高(m) 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.5
重量(kg) 4500 5600 5300 6400 6200 7500 14000

型号 Spec 单位unit DW3-1.2-8 DW3-1.2-10 DW3-1.6-8 DW3-1.6-10 DW3-2-8 DW3-2-10
单元数 Unit number   4×3 5×3 4×3 5×3 4×3 5×3
干燥段长 Drying section length m 24 30 24 30 24 30
铺料厚Thickness of the material mm 10-80
使用温度 Temperature 50~140
蒸汽压力 Steam pressure Mpa 0.2~0.8
蒸汽耗量 Steam consumption kg/h 360-600 420-720 450-840 480-960 480-960 630-1350
换热面积 Area of heat exchange m² 816 1020 1056 1320 1344 1680
干燥强度Drying strength kgH2O/h 150-450 220-550 240-600 280-750 280-750 350-900
内机总功率 Power equipment inside kW 30.8 37.4 42 51 56 68
外机总功率 Power equipment outside kW 35.3 41.9 46.5 55.5 60.5 72.5
外形尺寸 Overall dimensions m 9.77×2.2×4.5 11.77×2.2×4.5 9.77×2.6×4.5 11.77×2.6×4.7 9.77×3.06×4.9 11.77×3.06×4.9
总重 Weight Kg 4800×3 5780×3 5400×3 6550×3 6350×3 7800×3

 注:对于干燥温度在250-350℃  时,本公司可根据实际物料进行特殊设计。

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