喷漆机器人 六自由度工业机器人707A
喷漆机器人 六自由度工业机器人707A
产品特点 Product Features
B RT IRUS0 7 0 7 A是针对某些单调、频繁和重复的长时间作业,或是危险、恶劣环境下的作业等而开发的一款六轴工业机器人,其拥有7 00mm 臂展,负载 可达 7 k g 。多自由 度的 灵活性 对打磨、装配、喷涂、等场景能够应对自如。
防护等级高--IP6 5 , 防尘防水
精度高一一重复定位精度0 .03mm
BRTIRUS0707A type robot is a six axis robot that developed for some monot onous, frequent and repetitive long- term operations or operations in danger ous and harsh environments. The maximum arm length is 700mm. The maximum load is 7KG. Suitable for polishing, assembling, paint ing, etc. The protection grade reaches IP65. The repeat positioning accuracy is 0.03mm.
主要规格Main Specification